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Aussie AsChoccy Bark

This fancy-as looking choccy dessert is our ‘grown-ups’ version of Fairy Bread and allows you eat all your favourite treats in one delicious mouthful! You beauty!

Makes one 10 x 25cm rectangle, or 6-12 smaller bars

What you’ll need:

  • 1 1/2 cups of cooking chocolate – you can use milk, dark, white, or a mixture!
  • 4-5 x packets of your fave Aussie Biscuits flavours, roughly broken into small chunks
  • 1-2 cups of your other fave nibbles. Think nuts, seeds, sprinkles, lollies, dried fruits, etc

Our fave flavour nibble combinations:

  • Peanuts, Aussie Biscuits Shortbread bikkies, peanut butter, popcorn and shredded coconut
  • Aussie Biscuits Jam drop bikkies, pistachios, freeze-dried strawberries and rose petals
  • Sprinkles, Smarties/M&Ms, Aussie Biscuits ANZAC bikkies, white choc drops
  • Peanut butter, Aussie Biscuits Choc Chip bikkies, roasted hazelnuts and popcorn
  • Aussie Biscuits Macca Nut Crunch bikkies, popcorn, pretzels, shredded coconut, Smarties/M&Ms

How to make it:

  1. Line a baking tray with baking paper and set to the side
  2. Place the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and heat in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until melted (you can also use the double-boiler method if preferred!)
  3. Pour your chocolate onto the baking tray and, using a butter knife or palette knife, spread your chocolate into a rectangle that measures approx 10 x 25cm
  4. Working quickly while the chocolate is still melted, arrange your toppings in any combination or patterns you like! You can go as wild as you like, or only add a few toppings
    For larger toppings, like bikkie chunks, popcorn, fruit and larger pieces of nuts, you may need to press lightly down into the chocolate
  5. Once topped, freeze your chocolate for 20-30 mins, or until ready to serve
  6. You can serve as is, or run a sharp knife under boiling water, and cut through your rectangle to make smaller rectangles or squares.