Layered deliciousness of choc chip bikkies, cream, chocolate custard and just to be naughty…a little cheeky swirl of caramel topping. A trifle pleasing don’t you think?
Serves 4
What you’ll need:
- 8x packets choc chip Aussie Biscuits, roughly 225g
- 2tbls milk
- 2 ½ cups (roughly 600g) your favourite custard. We used chocolate
- 300g thick dollop cream
- 2tbls thick, caramel flavoured topping
How to make it:
- Roughly break up your biscuits into a bowl (think bite sized pieces).
- Add milk and stir through to coat biscuits evenly.
- Add half the biscuit mixture to 4 individual glasses. Drizzle approx. 1sp caramel over the top
- Add half the custard to each glass.
- Add half the cream to each glass. Drizzle approx. 1tsp caramel over the top
- Repeat these steps with the remaining biscuit mixture, custard, cream and caramel.
- Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, overnight is best.
- Serve and enjoy straight from the fridge!
Storage: store in refrigerator for up to 3 days, covering the top of each glass.